Where to find online ebooks and audiobooks
Customizable collection of fiction and nonfiction ebooks, educational articles, educational videos, and Read-to-me ebooks. AGN-3709
Works that are in the public domain
Audiobooks read by computerized or human voice
Over 50,000 free ebooks to download
Extensive collection of audio books from the public domain read by real people
Lots of media types in addition to ebooks, such as video, music, animation, movies, TV news, etc.
Includes Open Library
Download free ibooks app from app store
Some free ebooks, not all in the public domain
Lots more to purchase--You may sample before buying
Over 1,000,000 e-books, mostly in the public domain, plus a lending library of 200,000 newer books (1 person at a time)
E-books and audiobooks for identified students only
You may also get textbooks, virtually any book
Must go through Special Education Department
International Children's Digital Libary
Browse digital books from around the world by age, genre, book length, character types, even the color of a book's cover.
Many languages available
Free, searchable library of magazines, journals, newspapers, databases, and ebooks.
Database mainly to help you find a book that you can then
a) purchase,
b) locate in a library, or
c) download if it's available as a Google e-book